One class
60 min
one person
Private classes - One person
Classes 60 minutes
Packages 12/10/8 classes
One class
45 min
one person
Plan 12/60
Type of class: Private - one person
The number of classes: 12
Length: 60 minutes
Plan Valid: 8 weeks (2 months)
Plan 12/45
Type of class: Private - one person
The number of classes: 12
Length: 45
Plan Valid: 8 weeks (2 months)
Plan 12/60
Type of class: Semi-private - two person
The number of classes: 12
Length: 60 minutes
Plan Valid: 8 weeks (2 months)
Plan 10/45
Type of class: Semi-private - two person
The number of classes: 10
Length: 45 minutes
Plan Valid: 8 weeks (2 months)
​​Plan 10/60
Type of class: Private - one person
The number of classes: 10
Length: 45 minutes
Plan Valid: 8 weeks (2 months)
Plan 10/45
Type of class: Private - one person
The number of classes: 10
Length: 60
Plan Valid: 8 weeks (2 months)
Plan 12/45
Type of class: Semi-private - two person
The number of classes: 12
Length: 45 minutes
Plan Valid: 8 weeks (2 months)
Plan 8/60
Type of class: Semi-private - two person
The number of classes: 8
Length: 60 minutes
Plan Valid: 8 weeks (2 months)
Plan 08/60
Type of class: Private - one person
The number of classes: 8
Length: 45 minutes
Plan Valid: 8 weeks (2 months)
Plan 8/45
Type of class: Private - one person
The number of classes: 8
Length: 45 minutes
Plan Valid: 8 weeks (2 months)
Plan 10/60
Type of class: Semi-private - two person
The number of classes: 10
Length: 60 minutes
Plan Valid: 8 weeks (2 months)
Plan 8/45
Type of class: Semi-private - two person
The number of classes: 8
Length: 45 minutes
Plan Valid: 8 weeks (2 months)
Semi-private - Two persons
One class
60 min
two person
One class
45 min
two person
Private group classes - Three people or more
Per class
One (1) class
50 min
Eight (8)
package 50min